Stax & The Space Coins

Stax aka Larry Large Ones
9 min readMay 17, 2021


Somewhere in a galaxy far far away

So I’m calling it now, if you haven’t heard of Kappa Protocol, Gamma Protocol, Beta Protocol and RHO Protocol I very much think you will do soon. Why?

This all started for me about a month ago, as an NFY holder I follow the latest developments with the project and recently they have released some very cryptic tweets and videos on Twitter. I love a good mystery, so it got me thinking wtf is Cyotee up to! What are the futuristic themed riddles and space themed tweets all about? I pushed it to the back of my mind and didn’t think much more about it until through my regular monitoring of new Uniswap pools I noticed something that got me thinking back to the mysterious messages coming out of NFY’s mega-brain.

Over the course of a couple days I saw listings for BETA, KAPPA and GAMMA. No big deal right? Well I had been wondering about the Greek themes that were buried into the NFY content. Something just told me to dig into these three tokens.

Stax is an ape, I didn’t dig I just bought a fuck tonne. Now I don’t think I was supposed to do that, it wasn’t part of the plan as became apparent over the following days!

As soon as the buys started coming in the price flew up, the pool was virtually empty of ETH which created a sort of bonding curve effect, small buys were pushing the price skywards on a trajectory I hadn’t ever seen on a regular listing. Out of nowhere it started to dump, at first I couldn’t work it out, what the f**k was going on? The same wallet was dropping huge amounts of Kappa and Gamma every time it gained a bit of traction.

Digging into this wallet I noticed numerous buys direct from a contract address. Tracing the contract back, it lead to what seemed to be an open pre-sale contract, shit just getting weirder and weirder! Not to be left out I punted a few ETH at both of these addresses and low and behold I immediately get a large amount of Kappa arrive in my various wallets (no gamma, it was empty by that point). By then the price was basically on the floor so I decided it wasn’t worth selling but it was obvious someone smart had worked out that you could arb between the contract price and the Uniswap price and was making a lot of money.

After the initial feeding frenzy I was in *REDACTED* telegram group gassing about it, one of the members started talking about the coins and admitted he knew about RHO and BETA and they were linked but didn’t think that Kappa and Gamma were part of the same project. This point is important. This person has a level of inside knowledge and the fact he said that, now added to the newly released websites for all four token was the end of the piece of string.

Now at that point I didn’t know what I know now about NFY, GEC and ITS. I also didn’t know about the Space X DOGE-1 Flight. In hindsight you can say I got lucky. The more I dug the more I knew I had found some absolute gems.

In the days following my degenerate buying spree I started to look at who was actually holding these weird tokens, and what do I find?

Right, now I know I’ve hit something big, Cyotee as previously mentioned is the tech lead over at NFY as well as being one of the most trusted auditors in the crypto space. I would also go as far as saying Cyotee is a virtual genius level Leonardo Da Vinci character always producing weird and wacky ideas many of which turn into bleeding edge developments on his various projects, the latest of which is NFY. We will dive into some of the hidden nuggets that can be found in his twitter history in due course but here is something to consider!

To add further to the weirdness of the whole contract flaw, arb, pump and crash was a point where the price stabilised and volume virtually dried up. I started to think maybe I was wrong, maybe there is nothing in it. I actually forgot about it for a week, but on looking back through the transactions I noticed the tokens were being bought back in small clusters, by the same address. Was this the address that deployed the contracts? Very possible.

Now this is guess work but were the team trying to claw back the bulk of supply (Very low, 80,00–9o,00 on each token) which was ripped out contract. Well an educated guess says this is exactly what was going on.

Lets jump forward a bit, so through Chico and Blockchain leaks, space and crypto were increasingly being mentioned in the same breath and NFY was bang in the mix, NFY eg Cyotee, Cyotee eg the holder of big bags of the weird Greek coins. Now my smoke detectors are really screaming 😈

So lets first take a look at he websites which were recently released, in short this confirmed a hell of a lot of what I had been thinking and telling my people. Given the confirmation that RHO and BETA were linked we now can say for sure that all four are part of the same equation. Interestingly, the person who told me of the initial link has ties to Iteration Syndicate and as such Rena Finance but more on that later! Websites,





Present on the exposed surfaces and livestreamed from a satellite to be placed in LEO in JUNE 2022, These pixel’s hue (KAPPA), luminosity (GAMMA), X-Axis (BETA) and Y-Axis (RHO) locations are acquired in exchange for the aforementioned tokens.

So definitely space related

Now I’m thinking ok, I’m onto something here. Around this time Chico Crypto started talking a lot about space in his YouTube vids, given Chico was an early adopter of NFY this got me wondering, is Chico going to find the Space Coins? If he does will he talk about them? $$$ money printers are preparing themselves in my mind!

I woke up a few days later (Sounds like one of my Friday escapades) to find ol’ Elon Musk (Market Manipulator extraordinaire, shit vehicle seller, purchaser of blood cobalt and sneak thief of the name of possibly the greatest scientist the world has ever seen) had announced that Space X was going to run a space launch with none other than DOGE.

More space talk, really, have I hit black gold in my back garden anon? Who is helping with this flight in terms of technology and software you ask. Well none other than Iteration Syndicate ($ITS).

ITS are working closely with Geometric Energy Corporation and MIRMIR (Oooooh more NFY crumbs!), to add further fuel to the fire.

ITS is the governance token for the newly launched Renascent Finance (RENA) which just happens to be audited by none other than Cyotee. Jeez hidden in plain sight or what!

So Cyotee is NFY, Cyotee is RENA auditor, Cyotee is MIRMIR, Cyotee is a f***ing genius that is interested in building spaceships. Interesting. He also holds the KAPPA, GAMMA, BETA and RHO quartet of weird Greek spacecoins. This shit is epic!

What else is this genius thinking? How could the space coins be useful. Well well well let me show you a broad assumption on how NFY would play into this scenario:

So art in space, sounds weird right. Art can also translate as graphics, graphics can translate as advertisement. My mega-brained partner in crime Pablo Hippo raised the point that ad space at Nascar is priced at around $25,000 a square inch, now that shows you two things, one, just how important it is for companies to subliminally sell you their trash and two, its a bloody valuable commodity. An alternative scenario could be, can you imagine a Banksy in space, what would that be worth!

So how would the four coins (Kappa, Gamma, Beta and RHO) be used for this? Well the websites explain what each represents but I would guess that to utilise them they would need to exchange for an NFT and in turn burn the token (Reducing supply and sell pressure as the launch of the cubesats approached). Who could possibly mint these NFT’s you ask. Well I just so happen to know a ground breaking project headed by the man himself, NFY.

Yield bearing NFT’s, oh yeah that is exactly what NFY are working with. and can we say for sure that NFY are involved in the space launches?

I guess we can!

So in short if you hold Kappa, Gamma, Beta or RHO or any combination of them then you hold the keys for anyone seeking to put their art/ads into orbit. In effect you hold the goose that lays the golden eggs pussies! If you also hold any combination of $NFY, $RENA or $ITS alongside these gems then you sir (or Miss) are destined to make bank. Given that the bonding curve price structure is very much like UniSocks I would suggest you set your sale targets high if your are already in and if you aren’t the current prices may well seem a bargain in the coming months. The supply is tiny and the utility is clear.

Do your own research, don’t be an ape like me, I mean at current prices I’m sat at about 150x. Not bad for a weed smoking, foul mouthed arsehole from the council estate in *redacted*. When Chico video, when moon, when lambo, when knighthood for Sir PStax you ask…soon grasshoppers, very soon.

And just as a footnote in case you thought that was it from Cyotee, nope, dude is talking this level of futuristic alpha!

Sounds like he already has if you ask me! And that draws to a close this epic talk of space, espionage and epic moon-shot potential. I’m off to smoke a blunt and buy the F**k**g dip pussies.

The websites have links to uni and dextools for any of you muthafu**ers interested in getting involved. Also the etherscan is in there is you want to wallet watch or try work out how many thousands of these I’m going to make it tokens I currently hold. But that is an adventure for another day.

It’s goodnight from me! — Stax



Stax aka Larry Large Ones

I decided the roadlife was behind me and I was gonna take the hustle to the blockchain. Now I’m rich bitch…